AcelorMittal Belgium
The end user of the Torrefaction technology ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel producing company and has an industrial presence in 19 countries around the globe. It is in an excellent position to determine the implementing and possible future replication of the Torrefaction technology and its resulting torrefied wood biomass as replacement of fossil fuel and the valorisation of its waste gasses as renewable energy as an integral part of the steel and bioethanol production plant. With its extensive knowledge on industrial production and opportunistic strategy, ArcelorMittalcan also enhance the Torero capacity to think of out of the box, for commercially attractive replication applications of the torrefaction technology. It furthermore has the necessary expertise in and capacity to setting up the complete process from raw materials supply (biomass), energy flow between installations, handling of the torrefied biomass to injection and optmising control of the Blast furnace process.
We do torrefaction.
TorrCoal firmly believes in torrefaction: a process to produce bio-carbon from wood and agro residuals. A process to renew biomass into cleaner fuel for industries. A process that we have perfected into our own TorrCoal technology. With this technology, you can build the most advanced torrefaction plant. And with that plant you can generate your own bio-carbon streams.
We believe in the power of bio-carbon streams.
Renewi is a leading waste management service provider, recycler and supplier of highquality secondary raw materials. Renewi collects, treats and processes waste, from which valuable raw materials are generated. In the Torero project is will assure the necessary supply of Type B wood waste for the plant demonstration. In addition through its waste expertise Renewi will be able to contribute to the necessary valorisation of wood waste as reliable available biomass feedstock global supply for the future replication of possible torrefaction technology process.
Chalmers University
In order to address the necessary technology, economy and environmental valorisation of the whole torrefaction technology integration process for the production of bioethanol two European research institutes are part of the consortium as specialist of such assessments. Chalmers University of Technology will perform a techno-economic assessment of the torrefaction process, including benchmarking against other use of biomass and possibly also against other competing process solutions.
Joanneum Research
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, one of Austria’s largest non-university research organisations, is focusing on the sustainability of the Torero process. LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy and Society will apply as part of the Torero project the methodology of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). The relevant environmental aspects and parameters and their influencing factors will be identified and quantified over the whole value chain using LCA. Within a Social Life Cycle Analysis (sLCA) social impacts will be analysed quantitatively and qualitatively.
University of Graz
The University of Graz is one of the leading Austrian Universities and is organized in 6 faculties (colleges) and 76 departments. The Austrian project team is part of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Business, Economic, and Social Sciences. The Department of Sociology hosts 20 sociologists with excellent research expertise in the areas of qualitative and quantitative research, applied social research, and environmental sociology.